How much does the typical project cost?

Creation date: 10/9/2024 4:59 PM    Updated: 10/10/2024 1:18 PM    budget cost prices pricing project
In the end, nothing beats a formal AppKu™ Plan for your organization, which facilitates the discovery and estimation for new information system projects, however, in this article we'll provide some rough numbers to help guide your expectations and understanding.

Information systems come in a wide variety of configurations, complexity, and requirements, so it's hard to put an exact cost developing a new one without a rigorous plan. There are three factors to consider: Quality, Speed, and Cost. Many vendors will tell you that you only can pick two, however, AppKu™ optimizes for all three with our unique service offering. Since you're here to gauge Cost, and AppKu™ always aims for the optimal Quality, we can use Speed (or time) as a reasonable segmentation for estimates.

AppKu™ is a company that believes in price transparency. In fact, we're the only information systems service firm that has standard, public, consistent pricing - which you can find on our website Other firms won't tell you prices because they want to nickel and dime you to the maximum extent! AppKu™ is different, we love what we do, and we're darn good at it - we know that mutual success between your organization and ours is best served with no shifty tactics.

So, let's make a few assumptions:
  1. These estimates are current as of 2024.
  2. These estimates represent a relatively "standard" new information system, requiring...
    • 1 web application for end-users.
    • 1 database to transact and store data.
    • 1 automation to feed data and integrate with another system.
  3. The information system is relatively low-complexity.
  4. The information system needs to be planned, developed, and delivered fully.
  5. The estimates include 12-months of post-delivery support with 10⚡ Energy per mo. usage.
  6. Since most organization utilize their own IT infrastructure, the estimate does not include any infrastructure costs or considerations.
Why include 12mo. of post-delivery support? Post-delivery support ensures your team has time to provide feedback, get rapid updates, address concerns, and help provide post-launch materials rapidly which are incredibly important when rolling out a new information system! Once a information system is launched, it should not be left to stagnate, it should continuously improve based on your organization & team's needs!

Based on these assumptions we can provide the following very rough estimates of a budget for the project:
  • A project with 3 months of creation + 12mo. post-delivery support...
    AVERAGES $4,133/mo.OR A TOTAL OF $62,000

  • A project with 6 months of creation + 12mo. post-delivery support...
    AVERAGES $5,444/mo.OR A TOTAL OF $98,000

  • A project with 12 months of creation + 12mo. post-delivery support...
    AVERAGES $7,083/mo.OR A TOTAL OF $170,000
When considering a build of an information system, it's important to understand how these systems can maximize the efficiency as a whole, and how they will provide a positive ROI. The AppKu™ team works with you to fully plan your project, and work out the estimated budget (or scope) before any work to develop the project begins. 

The great thing about this approach is then you can pick & choose the features & functions you care about the most- those that fit your budget and delivery timelime. With the AppKu™ team by your side and working with you, instead of against you, there's so much less guesswork!

Have questions or need some help? Contact us to get started.