How do I get the fastest resolution possible to my ticket?

Creation date: 10/17/2024 1:07 PM    Updated: 10/22/2024 10:27 AM    fast fastest resolution ticket
The AppKu™ team does it's best to address all tickets as quickly as possible, however, there are some things you can do to ensure speedy resolution:
  1. Provide screenshots

    You've heard it before, "a picture is worth a thousand words", and it's true! If you can provide any screenshots or drawings relevant to your ticket it often helps our team identify and understand your request much faster!
  2. Provide examples

    Whenever possible, provide one or more examples of what you're looking at, and what you expect. The more specific the example, the better we're able to understand your request.
    For example: "Product ABC123 says $29.93, but should say $29.99"
  3. Describe the steps needed to achieve what's described in your request

    When it comes to resolving problems, providing steps to reproduce the what you or your team is experiencing can help us quickly identify the root cause and get to a faster resolution. Provide these steps as describing what you did just prior and up to experiencing the issue.
    For example: "Step 1: I clicked the send button. Step 2: I entered my e-mail... etc."

    If you are describing a hypothetical scenario, such as an Idea for a new feature or function, imagine the steps someone would take to use your new functionality, then describe that!
  4. Provide a browser URL or screen description

    Most modern applications in organizations are powered through the web browser. You're able to enter a URL into the browser bar (e.g. ""), hit ENTER, then visit the site. This URL changes as you navigate through the website. Providing this URL to us where relevant to your request can be helpful for our team.

Then, you're ready to create the ticket! Select the "💝 Care - Support & Help" category. Be sure to use your work e-mail address, or sign-in or register an account on this site!
For customers with an active AppKu™ Membership.